Moving your hosting plan to another can be a complicated process. Follow the steps below to ensure that your transfer will be smooth and painless. Before we start this tutorial, please note that we will help you to transfer your entire site over free of charge!!!
Step 1: Sign Up with THCServers
The first step is to join our company. Do NOT cancel with your old hosting provider or tell them you will be canceling. Keep this a secret from your old host or they could prematurely terminate your site and cause downtime.
Step 2: Make a Backup of Your Files
At this point, you should have hosting accounts with two hosting providers. You will now migrate your entire site from the old host to us. Right before to login to your THCServers account and submit a ticket ( in this ticket you will have to include your cPanel login informations ) with your request, it is wisely to make a backup of your files.
Step 3: Wait for notifying
Right after you will submit the ticket, our tech team will start the transfer instantly. You will be notified by ticket when the process is complete.
Step 4: Update the namservers:
After the migration is complete, you will have to go to the registrar, which is the company where you purchased your domain name to make the change. You will have to change your current nameservers with ours:
After the DNS propagation is complete, your site will be loading from the THCServers host.
If you bought your domain name from THCServers, we are more than happy to make the DNS changes for you.
Confused or worried about the migration process?! Contact us 24/7 via Live Chat or Ticket System and we’ll be glad to assist and explain you more about the transfer availability.