The newest version of WordPress is named Clifford. Most of the changes made in this version were made for making your site more responsive, allowing it to look attractive regardless of the device it is viewed on.
We will present you 4 of the most amazing features that you will see within WordPress 4.4
4.4 version marks the beginning of a multiple step Representational State Transfer (REST) API. WordPress developers will have the opportunity to use WordPress as an application back-end without needing to use any other plugins once this infrastructure is fully rolled out. This will give sites the ability to use other front-end solutions aside from WordPress for their site.
2. New Default Theme
WordPress introduced Twenty Sixteen as its new default theme. The theme update isn’t necessarily impact you unless you’re starting a new site. This new theme has a responsive design so it’s attractive on all devices.
3. Auto-Responsive Images
You no longer have to rely on third party plugins or depend on your theme to make your images responsive. WordPress now automatically displays your images in sizes appropriate for the device your site is being viewed on.
4. Easy Post Embedding
From now one, you can simply embed your content to other WordPress sites that you own. All you have to do is just paste the URL of the content you wish to embed right into the editor. You’ll see a full preview of that content before publishing your post. This feature will make your content more shareable.